COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Let's Stay Safe and Healthy.

2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccination

The CDC recommends the updated 2023-2023 updated COVID-19 vaccines. Everyone aged 5 years and older should get 1 dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, at least two months after getting the last does of any COVID-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness from COVID-19.

Schedule Your COVID-19 Vaccine

Currently Unavailable

Why Get the Vaccine from Better Health Pharmacy?

Our pharmacists are already experienced in safely administering vaccines, such as flu, shingles and pneumonia for our patients. While many are considering the doctor's office or chain pharmacies for the COVID-19 vaccinations, you can expect shorter wait times by going to an independent pharmacy like Better Health Pharmacy. We are here to help you with any questions and are readily available to give you the best service because we are focused on your health.

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